The history of Douglas
Aircraft Company is best known for its Commercial aircraft; i.e. DC-1,2
and 3 etc., all designed and built in Santa Monica, California.
Donald Douglas began
his work in a little shop in Hollywood, but as his business grew, he moved
his facility to the Santa Monica Municipal Airport. His known work at
the beginning was the World Cruiser aircraft which the military
used to circle the globe in the late twenties.
The legendary story
of the development of the DC-3 program, which is well documented, helped
make the Commercial Aviation industry profitable during the difficult
years of the depression Thirties. The U.S. military derivative of the
DC-3 and the C-47 so well served the military during World War II, that
over 10,000 were built. After the war, many went into service as commercial
airliners. In fact, many of the second level carriers began operation
with DC-3s/C-47s. The major carriers - American, United, etc. moved into
DC-4s,6s and the last of the propellor derivatives the DC-7, prior to
the jet age.
The second level carriers
or local carriers, as they were called, were; i.e., Bonanza in Phoenix,
Arizona; West Coast in Seattle, Washington; North Central in Minneapolis,
Minnesota; and Frontier in Denver, Colorado. These were a sampling that
covered the country and served the smaller communities in America.
Douglas reluctantly
began development of their Commercial Jet during the early 1950's. Reluctantly,
because the sales of Propellor Powered aircraft (the DC-7) were so successful
that the Jet would only stymie their sales. The spark was the Commercial
Jet development program at Boeing and the redevelopment program of the
Comet, the worlds first Commercial Jet. This aircraft met disaster with
unknown metal fatigue with two fatal accidents caused by designs based
on the untried commercial jet aircraft environment. Even with the go-ahead
on the program, Douglas would be a year behind Boeing in delivery of their
first aircraft to a carrier. So, during the later part of the Fifties,
the Commercial Aircraft Division was developing the DC-8.
Beyond the Commercial
programs, Douglas was producing and manufacturing Military aircraft and
Experimental aircraft at other divisions. Many of these aircraft served
valiantly in World War II, the Korean conflict and into Vietnam. The naval
aircraft were developed at the El Segundo facility in California.
In 1940, as the threat
of World War II was nearing, a plant for the Air Force was built in Long
Beach, California. It was built as a bomb shelter with no windows and
thick walls to prevent a bomb from penetrating the building. It was the
most heavily camouflaged facility in the area. As a kid, it was fun to
drive under the netting on Lakewood Boulevard on the way to the beach.
In the 50's, the Long
Beach facility was developing a cargo aircraft to replace the venerable
C-124 Cargomaster, famous for its clam shaped doors in the front of the
aircraft. The C-124 was the mainstay of the Air Force cargo aircraft through
this period. The C-133 was to be a replacement for this aircraft and was
well into development in the early 50's. The C-133 was powered by turbo-prop
engines, and there was a question if this was the correct direction or
going straight to jets was the answer. This same question was being asked
of the Commercial aircraft programs. There were only fifty C-133 aircraft
built, so the answer to the question was jet aircraft. One of the reasons
this aircraft had a short-lived production span, was that a proper engine
for the aircraft was never developed and the engine used was of insufficient
power. By the early 60's, the program came to an end. This also ended
Douglas Aircrafts participation in Military Cargo aircraft development
until the 1980's.
The dawn of the Commercial
Jet Age came into view. The aircraft would be entering airline service
with the Boeing 707 in 1959 and the Douglas DC-8 in 1960. In 1959, we
stood in the parking lot of the Long Beach facility that Memorial Day
weekend watching the first flight of the DC-8. It brought a sense of excitement
as Douglas entered the Jet Age second, but they were "IN IT." At that
time, I did not know that it meant more to my future than anticipated.