At first, there were
two distinct areas: 1) Australia, New Zealand, and the Pacific Islands;
i.e., Fiji, Samoa. This areas Salesman was Bill Kindle who had been handling
the area for approximately four years. 2) The Philippines, New Guinea
and Hong Kong. This area was handled by Helga Griesbeck. When I came on
board, the cry was to get down to Australia; Trans Australia wanted to
purchase the MD-80. So I packed my bags, got a passport, took my shots,
grabbed Bill Kindel and took my first trip into the Pacific.
First, we met our
Agent in Australia, Colin Macdonald and his Assistant, Leo Britt. Each
of these will be covered as we go along. What I found at Trans Australia
were a group of Government employees waiting for Frank Ball, the General
Manager, to retire. They had recently put five Airbus A-300's into service
which were too large of an aircraft for their route system. Even before
they took delivery, they were trying to get rid of the aircraft. They
had been criticized heavily for this decision and were not in the mood
to make another decision, at least while Frank Ball was active. I also
determined that there were indeed people who would like to see Douglas
sell aircraft to TAA; however, there was a group in Management that were
listening to Boeing. They were not anyway near ordering aircraft and,
at least, Douglas equipment. I made an aggressive move at assisting to
take the A-300s to try to stimulate them into replacing the aircraft with
MD-80 aircraft, but this was a government airline.
Ansett, the privately
owned aircraft and the leader in purchases of aircraft in Australia, had
recently placed Boeing 767s on their system and, like Trans Australia,
were attempting to dispose of the aircraft. However, they were not interested
in the MD-80, being committed to the 737 aircraft. Without them, it would
be a tough sale in Australia. Both of these carriers were located in Melbourne,
a city in expanse similar to Los Angeles, but the climate of San Francisco.
Sydney, where Quantas was located, was San Francisco with a Los Angeles
climate. It was a beautiful and interesting city with a magnificent bay.
Our visit to Quantas was about as successful as Trans Australia. Quantas
was the International carrier for Australia and was deeply ensconced in
the 747 program to meet their requirements. It was a pleasant meeting
and seeing Sydney was a pleasure.